Roxie’s Blog

Launching THIS Website..

So after many stressful weeks attempting to figure out how to run and operate my WordPress Website ( I happened to stumble onto this app for creating a website in minutes and decided to sign up for a month for $24.99 to give it a go.

I was able to not only be given the choice of my own domain name to use for my site but also included was an SSL Certificate that is already configured for me and ready to keep my site secure! Not to mention how easily I was able to set up the option to sell store items (in this case, digital subscriptions) as well as receive tips/payments through cash app and PayPal, whereas WordPress or rather their third party partner completely denied me that option.

I hope to eventually be able to offer the same sort of things that I currently do on my OnlyFans the majority of my content and subscribers over to this site so that I can maximize my final payout haul each time I cash out my earnings, instead of missing out on half of everything due to my other platform’s hosts taking their hefty cut!

Thanks for reading this & don’t forget to Tip & Subscribe to my Premium Content or just sign up with your email to receive my free Monthly Newsletter if nothing else! Love you all!

Xox, Roxie

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Don’t be “That Guy”!

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